Traffic Safety and Infiltration Community Meeting With Councillor Gary Crawford


We had a great turnout at our recent Traffic Safety and Infiltration Community Meeting with Councillor Gary Crawford. Over 50 local residents attended the meeting on Sunday May 7 at Albert Campbell Library Auditorium.

Councillor Crawford was accompanied by two of his senior staff, Monique Lisi and Kirsten Campbell. A Power Point on traffic safety and infiltration in our neighbourhood were presented to the councillor and residents, outlining the multiple issues affecting us.

Here is a summary of what was discussed and the action steps planned to accomplish our goals:

1. Safety

On the overall topic of safety, the councillor announced that speed reduction is coming to all local roads in Scarborough this year.

Specific traffic congestion, speeding and parking issues were discussed regarding Eflreda Blvd. and the Danforth Gardens neighbourhood. The DGNA offered to conduct a survey on Elfreda Blvd. to gauge residents thoughts on the following traffic calming measures: stop signs at Trinnell and Flagstaff, speed bumps and speed reduction.

Action Steps: Conduct survey by the end of May and present to the councillor's office by June.

2. Traffic Congestion and Student Safety at Danforth Gardens Public School

The congestion and safety issues at DGPS are a well known and ongoing issue with illegal parking and drop off by parents, congestion and pedestrian safety. It is only a matter of time before there is an accident. A meeting of all interested parties was suggested for this spring with implementation for this fall.

Action Steps: Organize a meeting in June with DGPS Administration, Councillor Crawford, DGPS School Council, DGNA Executive, Toronto Police Services, By-Law Enforcement, city staff and local residents and parents.

3. School Crossing Guard at Newlands and Santamonica Blvd.

An application was submitted to city staff this past fall requesting a crossing guard at Newlands and Santamonica due to the high volume of students and families crossing there, the low compliance of drivers at the stop sign and numerous near miss accidents.

Action Steps: An application was submitted last fall. Currently, we are in the second step of the process, Data Collection. Next steps include Analysis, Results Notification, Council Approval and Provision of Service. This process could take a year. We will request updates on the status from the councillor's office.

4. Neighbourhood Streets Plan

The Neighbourhood Streets Plan is a new program that identifies neighbourhoods with traffic safety and mobility issues. They help communities connect with city staff to solve short term (1 - 2 years) issues. The plan looks at all road users with a focus on pedestrians, students and seniors.

Action Plan: The councillor will nominate Danforth Gardens for the Neighbourhood Streets Plan program.

5. Traffic Infiltration From 3431 St. Clair Ave E. Condo Development

Both the developer and city planning and traffic staff want to put the exit for the 257 car parking garage from the 3431 St. Clair Ave. E. development on Elfreda Blvd for vehicle and pedestrian safety. Although not the preferred option for local residents, the rationale for this decision is understandable. What is not understandable is to allow the cars from the "Beer Store" development to turn up Elfreda Blvd. and contribute to neighbourhood congestion and a reduction in safety for local students walking to school.

The DGNA proposes a three point plan to address the issue:

1. A physical "bump out" or "lamb chop" and driveway angling to deter cars from turning left onto Elfreda Blvd. from the parking garage.

2. A "No Left Turn" sign opposite to the condo driveway on Elfreda Blvd.

3. A traffic signal light at the intersection of Elfreda and St. Clair to allow cars to safely turn onto St. Clair from Elfreda and pedestrians to cross into St. Clair Ravine Park.

Action Plan:

1. City Traffic and Planning have agreed to add the "bump out" and driveway angling to the final site plan. DGNA to follow up and insure this happens. This is the purview of city staff and cannot be influenced by city council

2. Councillor Crawford is open to a "No Left Turn" sign at the entrance to the condo garage on Elfreda and will follow up with city staff.

3. Councillor Crawford will consult city staff on the warrant study done on the traffic light issue at Elfreda Blvd. and report back to the community.

Get Involved and Advocate

Many people signed our "development" sign and picked up S.O.S. lawn signs to support and promote our plan. Email to get your lawn sign.

Please write or call Councillor Crawford to share with him your support for the DGNA Traffic Infiltration Plan. Here is a link to an earlier blog post with the councillor's contact information and a letter template you can copy and past to send to him:


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