Native Plant Kits for Sale!

It’s international #pollinatorweek! To celebrate, The Danforth Gardens Neighbourhood Association is hosting a sale of native, pollinator-friendly plant kits. Did you know that pollinators like bees, butterflies, and bats, provide 1 out of 3 bites of food we eat? Say thanks by planting a habitat of native plants in your yard.

Order by Friday June 24 by emailing:
Pickup: On Newlands Ave, June 25, 26 and 27

About the Kits
$10 each
First-come, first-serve
10 plants each
A combination of blooms throughout the three pollinator flying seasons - spring, summer, and fall.
Depending on the sun exposure at your site, you can select a sun or a shade kit.
Perennial Seedlings will mature into tall flowering plants between 2-4 feet high. The perfect solution to fill in a big area with showy plants that will attract butterflies and birds.

Contain any of these plants:
- Goldenrod: Stiff goldenrod / Upland white goldenrod
- Bee Balm
- Swamp Milkweed
- Heart-leaved Aster
- Black-eyed Susan
- Harebell
- Joe Pyweed
- Yellow Pimpernel
- Dense Blazing Star
- Hare Bell
- Tall Cinquefoil
- Pearly Everlasting

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